

The computing community about the effective ways to protect their information and resources from malicious code threats

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Educating the Computing Community

ZqSell believes that educating the computing community about the effective ways to protect their information and resources from malicious code threats is essential. Technology solutions alone cannot thwart the threats from malicious code - there is no 100% solution available at this time. It is important for all users of information technology services, whether that be the home/casual user or the "power user", to be informed about the threats, the symptoms, and the effective ways to protect their information and computers. ZqSell believes that informed users can provide an "early warning system" when the protection strategies fail.

ZqSell will provide training to both types of clients - information technology providers and users of information technology services. For information technology providers, ZqSell envisions scheduled or arranged courses to prepare an information provider or consultant with the necessary information and resources to successfully provide anti-virus services for their clients.

  • General virus awareness
  • Establishing an anti-virus system
  • Determining anti-virus requirements
  • Protecting against the virus or other security threat
  • Managing virus and other security incidents
  • Responding to virus threats
  • Performing security incident investigations
  • Implementing and understanding anti-virus system measurement and process improvement for anti-virus protection and response strategies

ZqSell envisions that lectures, seminars, and tutorials on the threats and effective (and low-cost) solutions should be more accessible and affordable for both the home/casual user and power users. ZqSell uses affiliations with various organizations, such as the Small Business Administration and community-based Adult Education, to accomplish this education. In addition, ZqSell can provide awareness training on the virus and malicious code threats on request to your organization or group. The available topics for this type of instruction include:

  • General computer virus awareness
  • Effective protections for the home and small business user
  • Ways to distinguish computer virus fact from the hype

Key Benefits

  • Information technology providers can develop a core competency in anti-virus protection and incident response
  • Pave the way for enhancing your protection and limiting your exposure to the latest computer virus and malicious code threats


  • Study Guides
  • Quick Reference Checklists
  • Awareness Materials